Thursday, 8 August 2013

Plotting in the garden

Yes, I do mean plotting rather than potting - though I might do that too! But the garden is a great place to let the brain wander freely while pondering on a particular knotty plot problem.

It's also the opportunity to lift my head and see what's been happening while I've had my writing head down.

After the last rains, everything has suddenly found a new lease of life, breaking into exuberant growth and enlivening the garden.

Clematis niobe climbing up the roses on the house
Crocosmia always brightens up the garden at this time of the year.

The agapanthus we bought in the spring is looking stunning and it's not fully out yet!

Ironing gives me the same benefits as far as a free-wheeling brain is concerned - but the photographs aren't nearly so attractive!

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